ABP Archers Wood Ruling

An Bord Pleanála (ABP) has ruled that Cairn Homes must now provide an amenity building which was promised for the cost-rental housing scheme at Archers Wood, Delgany, following an appeal by local Green Party Councillor Lourda Scott to the decision by Wicklow County Council to permit the facility to be dropped from the plans.

The decision, in April this year, to remove a “a two-storey split level residential amenity building of c.325 sqm”, which was included at the initial design stage back in 2019, was heavily criticised. Instead, the plans were modified to reconfigure the open space area to include the provision of active outdoor gym equipment and an enhanced passive open space.

Cllr Scott has been drawing attention to the lack of social infrastructure, in general, developing along with residential developments in the Greystones-Delgany area since she was elected in 2019, and called on the Council in 2021 to produce an independent audit of social and recreational facilities in the area. This audit was completed last year and highlighted the need for community buildings, among other facilities.


Cllr Scott lodged the appeal with An Bord Pleanala following the decision by Wicklow County Council to allow the removal of a planning condition for the community building in Archers Wood. In the appeal, Cllr Scott argued that “the proposal of including an outdoor gym will not provide an adequate community gain and is not comparable to a community amenity building. Such equipment by nature is not accessible to all members of the community and is not long lasting as experience shows it to rust and deteriorate very quickly”.

Commenting on ABP’s decision, Cllr Scott said: “I’m delighted that (today’s) ruling by An Bord Pleanála means that Cairn Homes are obliged to build the Archers Wood amenities building that was part of the original planning approval.

“Since being elected, the lack of amenity buildings is an issue I have highlighted constantly. Anyone that lives locally knows that indoor community spaces are badly needed. Speaking to residents in the area, no one could understand the logic behind the Council’s decision to allow this building to be dropped from the plans. It was clear to me that the Council’s decision was contradicting objectives in the County Development Plan.

“I simply couldn’t go back to my constituents and say that I allowed this planning decision to go unchallenged so lodged an appeal. I am really pleased that An Bord Pleanála have agreed with my arguments and common sense has prevailed. However it shouldn’t have to come to this.

“Lodging appeals to An Bord Pleanála is time consuming and expensive. In addition, both members of the public and elected representatives have spent countless hours poring over the County Development Plan making sure that it reflects the needs of the community as much as possible. The lack of community spaces has been continually raised with Council staff; but yet a valuable community asset was allowed to be dropped from the plans of a large development. It really isn’t good enough. I will expect the Council to ensure that the building will go up now without any more delays.”​


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Community Gardens