Addition of new childcare places with new planned developments
Green Party Councillor Lourda Scott welcomes the addition of new childcare places with new planned developments but highlights concerns over future school places. Scott says: “I raised previously the lack of childcare places in Greystones with parents waiting up to 24 months for a place for their child. In my submissions to An Bord Pleanala regarding two major developments in Greystones, I made a strong case for providing additional creche facilities where none had been included in the plans. I am glad to see that this proposal was taken on board with both Strategic Housing Developments now providing childcare facilities”
However, this is only a small step in the process of providing truly sustainable development in the area. There must be a strategic overview of our community’s needs as the district grows. It is concerning that there is no analysis of secondary school places requested alongside these applications, particularly in light of the current difficulty parents in Kilcoole have in obtaining places for their children.”
Scott concludes: “I have asked that Wicklow County Council invites representatives from the Department of Education to meet with elected representatives. I will be requesting an up to date assessment of school needs to be carried out based on the current and planned population.”