Archers Wood ABP Appeal

Greystones Councillor Cllr Lourda Scott has lodged an appeal with An Bord Pleanala following the decision by Wicklow County Council to allow the removal of a planning condition for a community building in Archers Wood, Delgany.  Cllr Scott has previously raised community concerns over shortfalls in infrastructure and community facilities and in 2021 had instructed the Council to commission an audit to highlight deficiencies in this area. Speaking on the matter Scott said:  “Greystones and Delgany have seen huge growth over the past number of years. It is well known by people who live locally that the social infrastructure hasn’t kept pace with the number of houses built. This was confirmed by an independent audit published that I asked the Council to carry out. The key audit findings confirmed what people have been telling me from their own experience. Specifically the need for more community indoor spaces was highlighted. It is incredibly disappointing to then see the Council permit a much needed facility to be removed from a planning permission that was granted four years ago. It simply doesn’t make sense.  Since being elected, the lack of amenity buildings is an issue I have highlighted constantly. I am always asked by local groups for more community space to rent and I am constantly pushing the Council about this issue on their behalf.  I simply couldn’t go back to my constituents and say that I allowed this planning decision to go unchallenged. The matter is now in the hands of An Bord Pleanala and I look forward to hearing their decision in due course.”


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