BT Young Scientist

Green Party Councillor Lourda Scott has welcomed the wide representation of secondary schools  from the Greystones District at  the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition 2023. There were students from six schools from Co Wicklow displaying their research at the R.D.S including Colaiste Chraobh Abhann, Kilcoole, SEK_Dublin International School ,  Greystones Community College, St. David’s Holy Faith Secondary School, Greystones, St Mary’s College, Arklow and Dominican College, Wicklow.

Cllr Scott says: “I had the pleasure of attending the BT Young Scientist exhibition last week and spoke to students from the Greystones District who were presenting their research. I was blown away by the quality and variety of their work.  I have worked in research myself and know that it can be a daunting task preparing and presenting  the results of many hours of work.  However all of the students spoke with knowledge and enthusiasm and left me with a great impression. The projects ranged from a survey on beach litter to the more complex area of quantum physics. A huge amount of work went into preparing each project and they are a great credit to their schools. Congratulations to everyone involved and I am excited to see what their future holds.”


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