Clean Coasts Roadshow

On Saturday 7th May from 1.30pm at The Cove, Greystones, Clean Coasts are teaming up with ‘Clean Coasts North Wicklow’ group to run a coastal workshop and beach clean. Clean Coasts Officer Aidan Gray will go through several interactive coastal topics and finish with a short beach clean. The event is family friendly and will be finished around 3pm. All equipment for the clean-up will be provided. Clean Coasts North Wicklow coordinator Cllr Lourda Scott welcomes this event. “We are incredibly lucky to live beside such a wonderful coastline, but we also have to work to clean and maintain it. The North Wicklow Clean Coasts group is new and I’m very excited that we are joining the Clean Coasts Roadshow this year. I encourage everyone to come along as it will be a great chance to meet and learn together about our amazing marine resource.”

If you want to get in touch about this event, please contact Aidan on or Clean Coasts North Wicklow Cllr Lourda Scott on


Clean Coasts works with communities around Ireland to help tackle the coastal issues like marine litter and erosion and supports local action through lots of ways like grants, awards, competitions, campaigns, events, and general facilitation. To find out more about Clean Coasts and local action, please visit  


Inclusion beaches


Accesibility audit beaches