New National Maternity Hospital

A motion calling for the public ownership and secular governance of the proposed New National Maternity Hospital was passed by a sizable majority by Wicklow County Council at their meeting on Jul 27th. The motion was tabled by  a cross party group of Councillors in response to  contact with community groups Bray and District Council of Trade Unions and North Wicklow for Choice and Equality.

 Speaking after the meeting Cllr Lourda Scott who led the debate in favour of the motion, expressed her delight of the support achieved. “This motion was brought to us from women in  our community that are very worried about the proposed new national maternity hospital and the continued lack of clarity over the ownership  land on which the new hospital will be built and the subsequent governance.  This hospital will be used by generations of Wicklow women and their partners and it is crucial that we get it right. Currently the estimated cost to the state is €800 million to build and outfit the new Maternity Hospital. Once built, it will “gifted” to a private entity St Vincents Holdings who will also maintain a leading role in governance. The State is to have no involvement in this private company and the land on which the hospital will be builty will remain in church ownership and will be leased to the State .

This leads to very real concerns that with the landlord and governing body being Catholic bodies, Catholic Ethos will inform medical decisions. This is simply unacceptable. After  years of scandal after scandal regarding womens healthcare, it is the least that we can do to ensure our national maternity hospital remains in public ownership and secular ethos. This is essential to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of currnet and future generations of Wicklow women.”

Sarah Murphy (North Wicklow Togther for Yes and Equality) said “


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