30 KM Zones

County Wicklow Road Traffic Speed Limit Bye-Laws were passed at Feburary’s Council meeting and Wicklow became the first Local Authority in the Country to reduce the speed limits to a default 30km/h at schools. This was following a long campaign by public representatives, activist groups and members of the school community. Speaking after the meeting, Councillor Lourda Scott said: “I first brought a motion to implement 30km/h speed limits around all schools within the Greystones area in October 2021. The speed of cars at the school gate is one of the reasons why people are reluctant to allow their children to walk and cycle to school. Currently roads around our schools are at 50km/h speed limit, but taking statistics from the Road Safety Authority, it is shown that lower speed limits dramatically reduce the number of people killed in a collision and reduce the severity of injury.

“However, it is not just a road safety issue as lower speed limits also reduce air and noise pollution at our school gates. Since my motion was passed, I have been engaging with the wider community to gain even more support and pushing Council officials to ensure that the 5 yearly speed limits review would reflect this. Out of 257 public submissions on the Speed Limit review, almost two thirds were from Greystones MD and over half were in relation to reducing speeds at schools. Although there was initial reluctance to take this radical step, I took every opportunity to meet with officials and push the case. I am delighted that the Officials listened to the public and took action. From August 1st this year every school in the County will now benefit from these changes. We will have either periodic 30kph speed limits or permanent 30kph limits outside each school, making school zones safer, less polluted and a more attractive place to be. This is a great result for children in County Wicklow.”

Greystones Councillors unanimously supported the proposal on the implementation of 30km/h speed limits around all schools within the area at the October Municipal District meeting.  The motion was tabled by Greystones Cathaoirleach, Cllr Lourda Scott in advance of the upcoming county wide speed limit review.

Speaking after the meeting Cllr. Scott said; “I brought this motion forward in response to community concerns about poor driving around our schools. In particular regarding drivers speeding, this has resulted in some very near misses. As a parent of school going children I have unfortunately witnessed this first hand. It is one of the reasons why people are reluctant to allow their children to walk and cycle to school.  Currently roads around our schools are at 50km/h speed limit, but taking statistics from the Road Safety Authority, it is shown that lower speed limits dramatically reduce the number of people killed in a collision and reduce the severity of injury.  However it is not just a road safety issue as lower speed limits also reduce air and noise pollution at our school gates, reduce carbon emissions and allow traffic to move more smoothly. With the speed limits across the County coming up for review shortly it seems an ideal opportunity to improve the roads around our schools and ask for 30km/hr zones either at school opening and closing times or all of the time, depending on the road type. “

Increased Government funding has led to improved pedestrian and cycle path facilities and active travel schemes such as Park and Stride are becoming increasingly popular. Lowering the speed limits have been shown to play an important part in making the roads around schools safer, healthier and more attractive places to be.

“I am delighted to have the full support of my fellow Councillors on this motion. The opportunity to change speed limits only arise every 5 years so now is the time to take a united stand and push for the necessary changes.” Scott concludes.


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