Disability and Inclusion Steering Committee (DISC)

At this month’s Municipal District meeting, Cllr Lourda Scott was elected as the Greystones MD representative onto the Disability and Inclusion Steering Committee (DISC).

Speaking after the meeting, Cllr Scott said: “I am very excited to join this committee. DISC was formed to progress awareness of issues facing disabilities across the County. Membership includes people with disabilities, representatives from disability organisations as well as elected members from each Municipal District. I recently attended the launch of the Disability toolkit for communities and it highlighted how important the work that this committee does. I want everyone to be able to participate in our community and have their voices heard. I encourage anyone who wishes to raise concerns around accessibility or simply to have a chat to contact me lscott@wicklowcoco.ie or 087 9867532. I will work hard to bring any issues forward and will provide regular updates”


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