Dec. Council Updates - incl. Shoreline Additional funding, Killincarrig public realm

A few updates from our recent District Council meeting. It was only a few weeks since the last one but lots happening!

  • Funding increase for Shoreline Athletics Track. The track resurfacing has now been fully funded and will go to tender shortly. It is expected that work will take place in late Spring/Summer. This is great news and I hope part of a broader plan to bring improvements to this well used facility.

  • Killincarrig public realm scheme Part 8 was approved. This will being badly needed improvements to the footpaths through the village, along with a dedicated cycle lane running northbound. There was a good discussion with the Council in response to the submissions and I look forward to working to make sure the community's voice is heard as the scheme progresses.

  • Greystones Bray Cliff Walk: The walk is being re routed inland ( finally) and signs will go up to direct people. Along side this the CPO process has started to get a more permanent solution near the original walk.

  • I asked when the community building in Archers Wood will be built and also when the creche/community building in Glenheron will be completed. Both buildings badly needed to be up and running.

  • I also asked about the completion of the boardwalk which is supposed to have a ramp at the South end. This is dependent on Irish Rail so I will contact them and follow up.


Goal Mile: Greystones New Year’s Day run


Community Climate Action Fund Launch