Local Area Plan for Greystones, Delgany and Kilcoole - public consultation
Pre draft public consultation open for submissions from Nov 29th to Jan 31st ( weblink for submissions below)
Public information meetings on the plan will be held shortly.
This is the main blueprint for planning decisions for the area
The current Local Area Plan ended in 2019 so it is really important that we have our say on how we want our community to develop.
Full email from WCC below:
"Dear Members,
Pre-draft public consultation
We commenced pre-draft public consultation for the preparation of the new Greystones-Delgany & Kilcoole Local Area Plan on Wednesday 29 November 2023 and it will run until Wednesday 31 January 2024. We have designed a new online consultation portal that is available at the link below. The online consultation portal sets out the key topics that the plan will address and asks a number of sample questions for people to consider, when making a submission. General submissions can also be made through the portal with all ideas welcomed.
Submissions are invited from everyone
a) Through the consultation portal - Make a submission through the portal on any of the topics and/or attach a document. You can also send in a submission as an attachment without having to answer any of the questions.
b) Write to: “Greystones-Delgany & Kilcoole LAP”, Administrative Officer, Planning Department, Wicklow County Council, County Buildings, Station Road, Wicklow Town, A67 FW96
Advertisements for the consultation period
An advert will appear in the Wicklow Times & Wicklow People on the 28 & 29 of November 2023 respectively, please hit the link below to view the advert. Posters will be placed in the shops, post offices and the library in the area and information will be posted regularly on WCC’s social media. (See poster attached)
Prescribed bodes and community groups will also be notified.
We would appreciate it if you would spread the word through your own networks."
Public Information day
Public information days will also be held in December/January (date to be confirmed) in both Greystones-Delgany & Kilcoole. The plan team will be available to provide advice to the public on how to make a submission and to provide any information on the new plan.